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AEW Dynamite Results for May 12, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It's Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Kicking off the program…the IWGP United States Heavyweight Title Match!

IWGP U.S. Champ Jon Moxley (with Eddie Kingston) vs. “Blue Justice” Yuji Nagata (accompanied by Ren Narita)!

Moxley came out to “Wild Thing” by The Troggs tonight.

They shoved one another and wasted no time with forearms to the face. Nagata dropped the champ with a big boot and a knee strike. Rocky Romero was seen watching in the crowd. Moxley came back with a diving knee strike between Nagata’s shoulder blades. Moxley was in control with an elbow drop and then a lateral press for a near fall. Jake “The Snake” Roberts and “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer were watching from the crowd.

Mox jumped off the turnbuckles but Yuji countered with knee strikes and then found an exploder suplex! Nagata faked a dropkick, Mox covered up, and then Nagata nailed him with a basement dropkick. Nagata followed up with kicks. Mox got to his feet and they began to slug it out again. Mox dodged a high boot from Nagata, connected with a German suplex, and then used a stiff lariat for a two-count! Moxley was looking for a piledriver but Nagata found a wide base and backdropped Mox. Nagata hoisted Moxley to the top turnbuckle and used an exploder avalanche from the top! Nagata covered for a 2.99 count!

Moxley applied a sleeper but Nagata dropped down and wrenched on an arm breaker! Moxley reached for the ropes with the toes of his boots, his only salvation.

“Nagata looking in top form tonight, embodying the fighting spirit style,” said Excalibur.

Moxley found a lariat out of nowhere. He tried to put out the submission expert Nagata with a sleeper. Mox used driving knee strikes and then blasted Nagata with the Paradigm Shift for the victory!

“Man, what a battle! What a pro wrestling match we all just witnessed together. Two warriors with great mutual respect,” said Jim Ross.

Inner Circle members Ortiz, Jake Hager, and Sammy Guevara were interviewed by Alex Marvez backstage.

They explained that Jericho was injured; Santana was detained for using a fork in the match.

“Hide behind your victory tonight, but you failed. We want another match,” said Hager.

“Give us our rematch or we’ll put you in your grave,” said Sammy.

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes was out to make his announcement regarding his plans for DOUBLE OR NOTHING on Sunday night, May 30th!

“Anthony Ogogo has run down and verbally buried the United States. The irony is Anthony has a visa courtesy of the DOT. You talk about division, anger—take it from an American—the argument is what makes us who we are. Our empathy outweighs our anger. Let me ask you, Anthony. You didn’t come here to live ‘the England Dream.’

“You like to educate. You like to pontificate on what the United States is. In 2021, in the very same city, my wife will give birth to a beautiful white, a beautiful black American princess, shun neither, and I want her to know, I didn’t just lay down under another man’s flag. I got up off my ass and I fought back! And here’s where we’re going to do the fighting: at DOUBLE OR NOTHING.

It’ll be Anthony Ogogo versus myself but he will not be wrestling ‘The American Nightmare.’ For one night, it’ll be Anthony Ogogo versus ‘The American Dream’ Cody Rhodes!”

AEW World Tag Team Title Match!

Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Impact’s Don Callis & The Good Brothers) vs. #1 ranked SCU—“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian!

SCU will break up if they lose the match!

“SCU feel so betrayed by what The Young Bucks have become,” said Excalibur.

“The Bucks have their goon squad with them,” added Tony Schiavone.

“Kazarian and Daniels must win, or they’re done by their own admission,” said Jim Ross.

Kaz took down Nick Jackson with chain wrestling and then slapped him. Nick slapped back and then ran out of the ring. Kaz was fired up and fired on all cylinders with a clothesline to Nick. He used a floating neck breaker on Nick.

Daniels hit an elbow drop and he and Kaz displayed their legendary tandem offense, isolating Nick Jackson. Daniels ran toward the ropes, but Matt Jackson backdropped him out. The Bucks worked over CD on the outside of the ring, with Matt powerbombing Daniels on the ring apron. Nick followed up with a senton.

SCU employed more tandem offense on Nick Jackson for a near fall by Daniels. SCU caught Matt Jackson with the Celebrity Rehab! Daniels went for the BME, but Matt Jackson anticipated and shoved CD out of the ring. Nick Jackson walloped Kaz with a bulldog and then punted Christopher Daniels. Nick planted Kaz with a face buster. Nick superkicked Daniels on the outside of the ring; Daniels’ head was driven into the headpost and the “Fallen Angel” was busted wide open!

Matt bucklebombed Kaz! The Young Bucks were about to go for More Bang For Your Buck but Kaz saw it coming and adjusted with a counter. He backdropped Nick out of the ring onto the ramp. Kaz rolled up Matt but Gallows distracted the referee. Frankie Kazarian nailed Matt with a Styles Clash! Nick broke up the pin attempt!

Kaz set up for a cutter but it was blocked, and he was caught with a tombstone by Matt Jackson. Daniels ran in and neutralized Nick with Angel’s Wings. Matt Jackson speared a bloodied Daniels!

“Daniels has lost so much blood. He’s very weak, obviously,” said Jim Ross.

Matt Jackson mockingly said, “I’m sorry, I love you,” and superkicked Daniels. “Fallen Angel” kicked out of the pin. Daniels hit the BME on Matt Jackson! While the ref was distracted, Matt Jackson spiked Daniels with the cold freeze spray! Christopher Daniels found the intestinal fortitude to kick out! The Bucks came back with the BTE Trigger and Nick pinned Christopher Daniels!

“One of the greatest teams here in AEW are no more,” said Jim Ross.

Backstage, Kingston and Moxley destroyed The Elite’s private dressing room, disgusted by what they just witnessed!

Dasha interviewed Christian Cage backstage:

“Taz, no one denies at one point in time you were a bad man. Next week, you send any member of Team Taz into the ring and I’ll be standing there. But at DOUBLE OR NOTHING, I’m throwing my hat into the Casino Battle Royal.”

Matt Sydal interrupted him and said he had a surprise for him. Next week, Sydal will be facing Christian Cage!

AEW World Championship Eliminator Match!

#1 ranked “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. #2 ranked PAC (with Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix)!

The winner faces AEW World Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2021!

Orange removed his sunglasses and placed them on PAC’s face. PAC destroyed the shades. Orange went for Beach Break and almost won the match right away! Orange Cassidy crashed onto PAC with a tope suicida (and of course, his hands remained in his pockets)!

PAC rammed Orange Cassidy into the steel barricade on the outside of the ring. PAC sent him a second time into the barricade! Back in the ring, PAC hit a shotgun dropkick on Cassidy, turning “Freshly Squeezed” inside out!

“Another shotgun dropkick, and Cassidy is knocked all the way across the ring,” said Excalibur.

PAC went up a third time and connected with a third shotgun dropkick, this time to Cassidy’s back! PAC climbed to the top rope, perhaps looking for the Black Arrow, but Orange rolled across the ring and out of the way. Orange gave PAC the thumbs up.

“He’s not intimidated by the Bastard,” said Excalibur.

PAC sent Orange into the ropes and stopped him in his tracks with a thrust kick! PAC followed up with a Liger Bomb for a near fall, Cassidy barely sneaking his shoulder out in time! Ref Aubrey Edwards was checking on Cassidy’s condition.

Don Callis grabbed a microphone and said he wanted a winner because Kenny Omega is a busy man. Omega blindsided PAC with the heavyweight title as ref Aubrey Edwards was distracted by Callis’ commotion!

PAC and Orange Cassidy couldn’t get up before the 10-count.

“We’ve got two losers here,” said Kenny Omega.

Tony Schiavone walked onto the ramp and said he was just informed that on May 30th at DOUBLE OR NOTHING, Kenny Omega will have to face PAC and Orange Cassidy in a three-way match!

The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers saw what Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston did to The Elite’s private dressing room.

The Young Bucks said next week they’ll face the Varsity Blonds, because The Bucks are fighting champions! Matt also invited Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston to a superkick party at DOUBLE OR NOTHING!

Alex Marvez was backstage with “Hangman” Adam Page and The Dark Order.

Page said he had a huge target on his back, and it took three guys for Brian Cage to beat him. “Why don’t you leave Taz and meet me one on one in the ring and earn your spot, Brian Cage. If I lose, I can accept it. For you, it’s DOUBLE OR NOTHING.”

It was time for the coronation of The Pinnacle!

MJF (wearing a crown), Tully Blanchard, Shawn Spears, Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler, and Wardlow came to the ring to celebrate their victory at BLOOD AND GUTS!

“Bow to The Pinnacle. Bow to the biggest draws in professional wrestling. And you have us to thank for it,” said MJF.

“The Inner Circle are down two men. One because he stabbed me, and the other because he tripped and took a fall. So why would they want a rematch? Would you people like to see a rematch? Are you sure? My answer is no,” said MJF.

Tully Blanchard: “You know what it’s like to be at the top and look down at all the other talent. I have been there many times in the past. We took everything the Inner Circle could dish out last week. You watched this group take everything the Inner Circle had. Ladies and gentlemen, when you quit, you stinkin’ quit. I have a present for The Pinnacle that I spent thousands of dollars on. Very expensive watches. Every time you look at those watches on your wrists, you can look at them and say, ‘That was a present from Tully Blanchard,’ and that’s what being a part of The Pinnacle is all about. The top of the world looking down at everybody else.”

An airhorn interrupted the Coronation. Sammy Guevara, Ortiz, and Jake Hagar were in a custom Inner Circle golf cart. Chris Jericho appeared from a trailer that the golf cart was towing. Jericho asked Jericho again if The Pinnacle would give the Inner Circle their rematch. MJF declined again. Sammy doused The Pinnacle with a Little Bit of the Bubbly that was spraying from a hose attached to the golf cart!

“They have crashed the coronation,” said Tony Schiavone.

“You want a match? May 30th, DOUBLE OR NOTHING, we’ll take you on in the same match you lost last year—Stadium Stampede! And if you guys lose, the Inner Circle will have to break up forever! Take it or leave it,” said MJF.

“The gauntlet has been thrown down by MJF,” said Excalibur.

Earlier in the day, Jim Ross had a sit-down interview with Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. about her upcoming title shot against Champion Hikaru Shida taking place at DOUBLE OR NOTHING!

“Isn’t it almost poetic that the monster that Shida created is going to dethrone her? Unless she’s going to kill me. And if you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty hard to kill. I am the face and the pulse of this division. I guarantee I will win at DOUBLE OR NOTHING,” said Baker.

Next: Thunder Rosa vs. Jazmin Allure!

Thunder Rosa pulverized Jazmin with chops in the corner! After a flash of offense, Thunder Rosa took Jazmin off her feet with a dropkick. Thunder Rosa used a shoulder breaker and then a fire thunder driver for a statement victory over Jazmin Allure!

Earlier in the day, Tony Schiavone interviewed Jade Cargill!

Schiavone asked Jade who was going to handle her business.

“I’ll listen to the offers, but I handle my own business. I’m that bitch!” replied Jade Cargill.

It was main event time! TNT Title Match!

TNT Champ Darby Allin (with Sting) vs. “The Best Man” Miro!

“I find it miraculous that Darby was medically cleared to wrestle tonight after being thrown down the stairs last week,” said Jim Ross.

Miro manhandled Darby, assaulting the champ before the bell rang! Miro rag dolled Darby on the outside of the ring!

“This is just getting started in the worst way for Darby Allin,” said Jim Ross.

Miro clotheslined Darby over the top of the guardrail. Miro flung Darby over the guardrail with a belly-to-belly suplex! Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky were cackling as they watched from the upper deck.

Ref Paul Turner asked Darby if he could go. Darby said yes and Paul Turner signaled for the match to begin. Darby surprised Miro with a shotgun dropkick and Miro shrugged it off! Darby blasted Miro with a cannonball tope suicida! Darby attempted a Coffin Drop but Miro caught him with a belly to back suplex onto the arena floor!

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky used a chop block to neutralize Sting!

“Things are looking bleak for the champion as Miro is squeezing him!” said Excalibur.

Darby escaped and jumped onto Miro’s back. Darby applied a sleeper, and Miro dropped to one knee. Miro made it to the ropes and the ref was forced to break the hold. On the outside of the ring, with Darby on his back, Miro sprinted into the wall, knocking Darby silly on impact!

Miro hammered down with the point of his elbow on Darby’s shoulder. Miro slammed Darby into the ropes!

“He could blow out a knee the way he hit those ropes,” said Tony Schiavone of Darby.

Darby Allin slapped Miro’s face! Darby came over the top with a stunner for a near fall! Darby connected with another stunner! Darby went up top for the Coffin Drop but Miro caught him! Darby created some distance and used a Code Red for a near fall. Miro locked on the Game Over submission and referee Paul Turner stopped the match!

And new TNT Champion…“The Best Man” Miro!

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky attacked Sting until Dark Order ran to the ring and forced them to retreat!

“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer came out to the ramp and pointed at new TNT Champion Miro while Jake “The Snake” Roberts held Archer back!

Be sure to catch AEW DYNAMITE next Wednesday live on TNT!

Don’t forget AEW DARK: ELEVATION every Monday at 7/6c and AEW DARK every Tuesday at 7/6c on the official AEW YouTube channel!


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